Home & Office
February 8th 2025

Revenue Shape of 'Outdoor Storage' is a Spread

A capsule: The 'Outdoor Storage' category has an uncommon shape in the distribution of revenue across leading products, which has affected the Leaderboard of category leading products, as well. Category leaders triumph as Seller Accounts per Product increases to a new high. The E-commerce marketplace is dynamic, as can be seen in the 'Outdoor Storage' category, where the 'Average Reviews' has just changed by 6.5%. A milestone has been reached by the leading products within the 'Outdoor Storage' category. The average price of top performers within the 'Outdoor Storage' category mertis attention. Astute brands aspire to capture category leadership with at least one product, yielding an order of magnitude more revenue than products in beneath the top 10 performance tier. One brand has recently done this, and more.

Published July, 2022